Employment training & opportunities

In order to empower and enable our service users so that they are able to be part of the community in which they live in, it means ensuring they are able to participate in all aspects of life fully, which includes being gainfully employed. Our goal is to work with our service uses to get employment, such as voluntary work, placements, further training and much more to give them the necessary skills required to become employable. Our aim is always to work towards our service users being as independent as possible with as little or as much support as they require from us.

Work with us

If you are interested in applying for a job with Brighter Futures Project Skills Hub, please send your CV and a covering letter to info@brighterfuturesproject.co.uk

Give Us A Call​​

0208 191 9622


Equitable House, 2nd Floor 7 Gordon Square London SE18 6AB

Send Us A Message​​


Alternatively, please use the form below to send us your Application
Form, Covering Letter and/or CV using the uploaders.